Hi, I’m Theodore Kechris, author of contemporary stories.


My stories are atypical, thought-provoking, absurd—yet relatable. (Just like me.)

Let me share them with you.

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My story is unorthodox. I’m a writer who has dyslexia and I challenged myself to write. It’s why I am able to write, and it is why—although I take a lot of care in putting down my words—I don’t take myself too seriously. I love escaping into imagination. Seeing a world, asking questions, dreaming of possibilities, and asking: why not?

I love escape. I love performance. I love scene and story. 

I look forward to sharing my stories, and to your enjoyment of them.

"I wanted to kick the bathroom door down and drag a naked Sophie out of the bathroom. But maybe that was what she wanted. And I didn’t want to see her naked with my uncle."

– “Not This Saturday,” An American Name

Get in Touch

Please contact me for more information about anything you read here on the site. I’m currently seeking a publisher or representation for these and future stories, and am open to discussing my different experiences with groups.